Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tri-State Business Network Group December 29, 2008 / December 30, 2008

Tri-State Business Network Group

December 29, 2008 Monday
December 30, 2008 Tuesday

Networking - Networking - Networking!

Hope to See You There
Tap me on the Shoulder to say

8:30 - 10:00 am
Java Joint
152 Barnwood Drive
Edgewood, KY 41017

8:30 - 10:00 am
Panera Bread
3806 Paxton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45209

12:00 - 1:30 pm
O'Charley's (Mason)
5262 Fields Ertel Road
Cincinnati, OH 45249

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tri-State Business Network GroupDecember 23, 2008 Tuesday

Tri-State Business Network Group
December 23, 2008 Tuesday

Hope to See You There
Tap me on the Shoulder to say HELLO

BRING A FREIND To TBN Tuesday Meetings December 23

Networking - Networking - Networking!

8:30 AM- 10:00 AM
Panera Bread
3806 Paxton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45209

12:00 - 1:30 pm
O'Charley's (Mason)
5262 Fields Ertel Road
Cincinnati, OH 45249

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
lInspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Monday, December 15, 2008

TBN December 16, 2008 8:30 AM Panera Bread

Networking - Networking - Networking!

Hope to See You There
Tap me on the Shoulder to say HELLO

Tri-State Business Network Group

December 16, 2008

8:30 AM- 10:00 AM
Panera Bread
3806 Paxton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45209

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

For Immediate Release, AmCorp Management, Inc.


Greg Fowler
Regional Director
AmCorp Management, Inc.

700 Million Dollar Milestone

AmCorp Management, Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of MANSYSCA Corporation, announced today that they have reached a new milestone in business expense recovery and independent business development.

AmCorp is the nation's leading and most successful expense recovery firm. Their main focus is to recover some of the $250,000,000,000 (Billion) that is unknowingly taken every year from unsuspecting businesses and its owners.

AmCorp Management's desire was not only to establish itself as the most effective and successful expense recovery firm in the industry, but as one of the most valuable opportunities available in business, said Darren Oliver, President and CEO of AmCorp Management, Inc.

AmCorp has built a hybrid business model that puts us light years ahead of anyone in the industry. Our success is undeniable and it would be unattainable without our national consulting team of Business Strategists, said Warren Rose, VP of Business Development.

For two years in a row AmCorp Management has been picked as the #1 business in America by, because of their training, systems and their risk vs. reward analysis.

Darryl Oliver, VP of Operations said Our independent representatives are the ones developing our client base and helping us build our team, they are the ones that reached this new milestone, without them we are just another company, AmCorp Management has one of the most developed and streamlined training and marketing systems in existence, and their specialized team of Independent Regional Directors and Business Strategists are responsible for this new achievement.

As their examiner team grows so does AmCorp Management's results. Collectively with our examiner teams we have found and recovered over $700 million dollars for our clients. There is not another company that we know of that can make this claim. We are pushing to reach 1 Billion dollars in recoveries and savings for our client's over the next two years. said Darren Oliver.
Read more about AmCorp Management, Inc. at
# # #
© 2008 AmCorp Management, Inc.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christian Marketplace Network at St Paul Village this Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Christian Marketplace Network at St Paul Village this Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Please join us at Christian Marketplace Network - Central this Friday, December 12, 2008 for lunch, presentations, and networking. 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (we start and end promptly).

LOCATION - St. Paul Village, 5515 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45227.I-71 to Red Bank Rd. exit, left at 2nd light onto Madison Rd. St. Paul Village is less than a 1/4 mile on the right.

RSVP - At the CMN website

To provide a forum where marketplace Christians can connect on a consistent basis!CINCINNATI

Our three fold purpose is to:
- Facilitate our member's business growth
- Foster God honoring relationships
- Have fun


Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
CellInspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How can YOU use Transactional Funding?

Transactional Funding can be used in various ways.

1. Commercial Down Payment Assistance - This is being wildly used to cover the difference the banking system is leaving off, which we have mostly seen about 25%.

2. Residential Down Payment Assistance - This product can be sensitive. We have a certain structured way that this has to be done.

3. Escrow of Funds - Escrowing of funds is becoming overwhelmingly popular. The banks are wanting you to have "skin" in the game for nearly everything. We can provide up to 50 MM in escrow per month if we can control escrow, up to 10 MM per month in a third party escrow.

4. Proof of Funds - We can provide 2 different stages of POF, hard and soft

5. Verification of Desposit - This process usually helps wholesalers/investors recieve tapes of properties

6. Double Close Funding - Wholesalers have the ability to follow all the rules that the state governments have put into place when trying to "flip" propertiesAll the products that we offer have some stipulations. The client must make sure that we can place the money in escrow or come to closing with the money. We do not provide money directly to the client's bank account. Exit strategy is the most important, no credit checks.

Unless it is an escrow agreement, we will always want our money back at closing!

Call us today for more information.

Clayton R. Hicks
Desoco Financial Group
Direct - 937-671-6238
Office - 877-630-4038

Monday, November 24, 2008

If Residential DPA were available, How Many Deals could you CLOSE this Month?

Desoco Financial Services have Residential Down Payment Assistance available!

How many deals could you close before the end of the year?

The ammunition that Desoco Financial Services provides could sky rocket your business today!

Transactional Funding Products and Services:

Double Close Funding
Commercial Down Payment Assistance
Verification of Desposit
Proof of Funds

Clayton R. Hicks
Desoco Financial Services
Direct: 937-671-6238
Office: 877-630-4038

Saturday, November 22, 2008

"In good times people want their money, and in bad times people really need their money"

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedIn

I hope the title caught your eye...? That is the saying in our industry and our economy is in a bad time. We are all looking for ways to increase revenue and improve our bottomline. So, I would like all to know that my new website is I haven't disappeared or anything, but because all businesses are starving for money the use of our services will quadruple in the next 18 to 24 months....interesting isn't...?

We have a great affiliate program:

AmCorp Management, Inc is the nation's leading tax and expense recovery firm. Our Affiliate program is dedicated to helping people and Associations better support their group or members through an incredibly generous profit sharing alliance.

Through this strategic alliance we are able to provide a free tax and expense analysis that routinely identifies revenue that has been lost through sub-standard billing practices and/or mistakes. Upon identifying any available revenue from the analysis the person or Association members will receive an outline of the identified monies and AmCorp Management, Inc. will proceed in recovering any available refunds, credits, or savings. The member, business, or person will only be charged a fee if AmCorp Management, Inc. is able to find and acquire the identified revenue. Plus the fees are never upfront and the member, business, person only pays from the proceeds or savings found, never out of pocket or before ANY financial gain is realized.

The profit sharing practice has become a MAJOR financial boost to many organizations, businesses, associations, people, as well as the members.

Benefits to Members include:

  • Free expense evaluation.
  • Potential Increase in revenue.
  • Potential Reduction in expenses.
  • Potential Influx of capital.
  • Potential reduction in taxes.

Benefits to Associations and Groups:

  • Value added benefit for members.
  • Additional funding for membership programs.
  • Increased funding for special projects.
  • Increased in operational revenue.

To participate in the AmCorp Management, Inc Affiliate program please call Greg Fowler at 859-653-3638 or 1-888-702-0994. Email:

All the best,

Greg Fowler
AmCorp Management, Inc.
Regional Director, Cincinnati (Tri-State)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christian Marketplace Network Expo and Trade Friday, November 21st

The Christian Marketplace Network is sponsoring its 5th Annual Marketplace Expo and Trade Fair on Friday, November 21st at The Vineyard Community Church in Springdale., Ohio

The CMN Expo and Trade Fair begins at 11:30 AM

Admission is free. This year's event will feature over 30 exhibits of Christian owned businesses, organizations and ministries.

Also featured are breakouts sessions with relevant topics to the workplace Christian. Chuck Proudfit from At Work On Purpose will present the insightful session entitled The Bible and the Briefcase. Ford Taylor of Transformation Cincinnati will present Relational Leadership: The Missing Link. And Kendra Ramirez of Sales Konnect will present What, Where and Why of Social Networking.Cincinnati's Christian Marketplace Network provides a forum where marketplace

Christians can connect on a consistent basis. CMN's three-fold purpose is to facilitate members' business growth, foster God-honoring relationships, and have fun This event is a great opportunity to meet and network with other workplace Christians, pick up new ideas, and enjoy great food and fun. You'll have an opportunity to attend free break out sessions with nationally known speakers, and there will be lots of door prizes.

The CMN Expo and Trade Fair begins
At 11:30 AM and runs for just 3 hours. Join us for a fun and productive afternoon.

More information is available at or call 513-310-3710.

Vineyard Community Church in the Tri-County area
11340 Century Circle East, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246.

Directions: Vineyard Community Church is in the Tri-County area, very convenient to I-75 and I-275. The church is tucked behind Dick's Sporting Goods and Macaroni Grill, just down the street from Tri County Mall. Enter via the South Parking lot entrance and go downstairs to the Atrium.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Monday, November 17, 2008

Rotary Club of Cincinnati 2008 Trade Fair

Rotary Club of Cincinnati
2008 Trade Fair

Thursday, November 20, 2008
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
Pavilion / Fourth Floor
35 West 5th Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
513-703-5039 Cell

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Managing Your Investments during a Financial Crisis!

Emotions can run high during market turbulence, just when reason should prevail. We believe active money management is one of the smartest ways to help investors grow and protect their wealth through the best and worst markets.

Over the past year, the global markets have taken all of us on a wild ride. Defined benefit, 401(k) and IRA plans collectively have lost $3.9 trillion of equity in the year ended October 9, 20081. The Dow Jones Industrial Average had 5 of the worst 10 days in its 112 year history since mid-September. Simply put, the world's financial system cracked as too much credit was provided to too many people who couldn't afford it. The S&P 500 Index (with dividends) posted the following LOSSES over the past two months and for the year:

S&P 500 Index (with dividends) September (8/31/08 – 9/30/08) -8.91%
October (9/30/08 – 10/31/08) -16.80%
2 Months 8/31/08 – 10/31/08 -24.21%
YTD 1/1/08 – 10/31/08 -32.84%

Nobody could fault you for thinking, "I don't trust the markets anymore." However, that would be a mistake. While no money manager can predict the future or provide guarantees, our third party active money managers have the experience to help our clients through this crisis.
Why should people trust this system? History tells us that the financial markets are the engine that generates the funds required to build our schools, bridges and hospitals, as well as providing the capital for all of the amazing technological advancements we've witnessed over the past few decades. While we'd be foolish to ignore the lessons learned from the recent financial meltdown, America's economy is the strongest in the world, with great ability to bounce back.
We are fortunate to have access to one of the world’s most respected active money managers, Paul Dietrich, Foxhall Capital Chairman, CEO and Co-Chief Investment Officer. Foxhall Capital’s goal is to identify long-term persistent trends in the U.S. and Global economic markets to help grow and protect your wealth. It has never been more critical to learn how to put Foxhall Capital’s active money management and wealth preservation focus to work for you.

• Click here to watch Paul Dietrich’s new video How to Manage Your Investments During a Financial Crisis.

• Click here to download the latest Foxhall Global Outlook newsletter for an inside perspective on today’s markets.

In today’s uncertain economic times, active money management is not optional. Now is the time to let Investment Advisors International help you take action for your financial future.

How to Manage Your Investments during a Financial Crisis

Foxhall Global Outlook October 28, 2008 - What Will The Economy Look Like in 2009?

November 7, 2008 - Stock Market Performance during Election Years

Investment Advisors International, Inc. (IAI) is an SEC registered investment advisor. In Ohio, Texas and Alabama such services are provided under the assumed name of IAI Advisors International, Inc. World Financial Group, Inc. (WFG) is a financial services marketing company whose affiliates offer life insurance and a broad array of financial products and services. WFG, and IAI are affiliated Companies. This video is for education purposes only and is not representative of actual accounts or clients. This information is designed to provide IAI prospects with an understanding of certain investing concepts. All figures are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. There are no guarantees that these results can or will be achieved. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Securities Offered through World Group Securities, Inc (WGS) Member FINRA & SIPC. The commentaries and views expressed in this video are for information purposes only.

The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Investment Advisors International, World Financial Group, Inc., AEGON or any of their respective affiliates and employees. 1 Source: Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. IAI, WFG & WGS - 11315 Johns Creek Parkway, Johns Creek, GA 300971517, (770) 4539300

The opinions and portfolio information provided are subject to change at any time, and are not to be construed as advice for any individual nor as an offer or solicitation of an offer for purchase or sale of any security. Client accounts may differ from model allocations due to many reasons. All investment strategies offer the potential for loss as well as gain. Individuals should consult with their financial professional to determine an investment strategy appropriate for their objectives, risk level, and time horizon prior to investing. Foxhall Capital Management, Inc. is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Investment Advisor’s Act of 1940. The "firm" is defined as the Foxhall Capital Global ETF Series division which manages a variety of ETF strategies in bundled fee and non-bundled fee accounts for primarily US clients. The Foxhall Capital Global ETF Series is a separate line of business that uses a separate and distinct investment process. The "entity" is defined as the Foxhall Capital Global ETF Series, the Global Stock Series and the Variable Insurance Series. The minimum portfolio size for the ETF Strategies is $30,000. Effective 10/31/07, ETF strategy accounts that are $20,000 or less are removed from the composite. The dispersion measure is the asset-weighted standard deviation of accounts in the composite for the entire year. Indices are unmanaged and investors cannot invest in an index directly. Valuations and returns are computed and stated in U.S. dollars, and individual portfolios are revalued monthly. All numbers are un-reconciled and therefore subject to change. Net of fees returns are calculated net of management fees and transaction costs and gross of custodian fees.

As with any investment strategy, there is potential for profit as well as the possibility of loss. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS.
FOXHALL CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. - 1613 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3406, (800) 416-2053

For more information contact Steve Rosh, CPA at: 859-391-4556 or email at:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is Transactional Funding?

Transactional Funding is just this:

We will provide double close funding, commercial down payment assistance, verification of deposit, and proof of funds.

All the transactional funding above is guided by exit strategy only. No credit check, no delicate information delivered to us, just "How do we get our money back at closing?".

This is the most important factor in Transactional Funding.

Our products and services are important to wholesalers/investors trying to make money in this market. We supplement what you may not have. We do have fees involved but they are very subtle and warranted.


Clayton R. Hicks

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Choose Inspection PLUS?

Choose wisely! Not all inspection companies are the same; With Inspection PLUS, you can gain peace of mind about your investment.

+ Buyer-FocusedWe encourage the buyer to accompany us on our inspection. We will familiarize you with your new purchase while pointing out areas of concern. This way you will become more familiar with how your new home works than you could ever become on your own.

+ Licensed & CertifiedBecause the building industry is constantly changing, our licensed inspectors are required to take a minimum of 30 credit hours each year through The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI). Check out our other endorsements and affiliations here.

+ Exclusive Analysis ReportOur exclusive Home Inspection Analysis Report addresses over 300 items. In this easy to read, state of the art report, you'll have 16-20 pages outlining the condition of the home from our thorough examination. View an example here.

+ IndependentYou'll receive an independent evaluation of the physical condition of the property (we do not participate in any referral or construction activities). We promise to provide you with a fair, accurate and unbiased opinion about the condition of the home.

+ Rapid ServiceWe are happy to work with you to expedite your inspection. In most cases, we can accomodate you within 24 hours. The inspection time usually varies, so allow two to three hours for our visit.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Christian Marketplace Network is sponsoring its 5th Annual Marketplace Expo and Trade Fair on Friday, November 21st

The Christian Marketplace Network is sponsoring its 5th Annual Marketplace Expo and Trade Fair on Friday, November 21st at The Vineyard Community Church in Springdale. Admission is free. This year's event will feature over 30 exhibits of Christian owned businesses, organizations and ministries. Also featured are breakouts sessions with relevant topics to the workplace Christian. Chuck Proudfit from At Work On Purpose will present the insightful session entitled The Bible and the Briefcase. Ford Taylor of Transformation Cincinnati will present Relational Leadership: The Missing Link. And Kendra Ramirez of Sales Konnect will present What, Where and Why of Social Networking.

Cincinnati's Christian Marketplace Network provides a forum where marketplace Christians can connect on a consistent basis. CMN's three-fold purpose is to facilitate members' business growth, foster God-honoring relationships, and have fun This event is a great opportunity to meet and network with other workplace Christians, pick up new ideas, and enjoy great food and fun. You'll have an opportunity to attend free break out sessions with nationally known speakers, and there will be lots of door prizes. The CMN Expo and Trade Fair begins at 11:30 AM and runs for just 3 hours. Join us for a fun and productive afternoon.
More information is available at or call 513-310-3710.

WHERE: Vineyard Community Church in the Tri-County area11340 Century Circle East, Cincinnati (Springdale), Ohio 45246.

Directions: Vineyard Community Church is in the Tri-County area, very convenient to I-75 and I-275. The church is tucked behind Dick's Sporting Goods and Macaroni Grill, just down the street from Tri County Mall. Enter via the South Parking lot entrance and go downstairs to the Atrium.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Invitation to meet Paul Dietrich LIVE!

This event is Free! If you have any questions call Steve Rosh at 859-391-4556 or email at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New offer: Pre sale Inspections for licensed agents only

New offer: Pre sale Inspections for licensed agents only

I am offering to do a full pre-sale Inspection on all your new and old listings. Your client would receive a complete Home Inspection with a written report including pictures. In today’s market your client needs to have their home in good condition and priced right. This is an added benefit that sets your listing above your competition’s. Can you imagine when that buyer walks in and sees a Home Inspection report laying out on the table? This will instill confidence and take away the fear factor that new buyers have.

Here’s the deal:
I will personally do the pre sale inspection
$150 for all licensed agents
Accept all major credit cards
I will then re-write the report showing the repair once it has been completed and the information faxed or emailed to me.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
5381 Autumnwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Friday, October 17, 2008

God, the Marine, and the Spider

Here's a little story to brighten your day, this Friday. Put life in perspective:

God, the Marine and the Spider

During World War II, a US marine, PFC Greg Hammen was separated from his unit on a Pacific island. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his warrior brothers.

Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, PFC Hammen prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you. Amen."

After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one." Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave.

As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave.

"Hah,” he thought. "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor."

As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout and could see them searching one cave after another. As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on.

Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while.

"Lord, please forgive me," prayed the young man. "I had forgotten that in You a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall."

We all face times of great trouble. Probably sooner than we realize.
When we do, it is so easy to forget what God can work in our lives, sometimes in the most surprising ways.
Remember, with God a mere spider's web becomes more than a brick wall of protection.

Your brothers and sisters at TBN are there to help. If you reach out, they will be there.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What are the benefits of TBN?

In our uncertain times all us of are taking a serious look at what benefits and what doesn't benefit our business. There are so many networking meetings to attend that most of us, including myself, get "paralysis by analysis" and we have no idea what to attend. One thing is for certain…there is a growing group of people who MUST change directions because of the current economic debacle.

I am going to use myself as an example of what TBN has done for me…I’m not going to give some song and dance…but the truth. I know that there are some that haven’t gotten anything from TBN…so have I! I haven’t gotten anything directly from TBN, but I have made great relationships and received business indirectly. A few months ago I took two months of my time to go out and help others…what would be called “net weaving” not “networking. As a result, I have received wonderful benefits from TBN because it works. I gotten more business from those outside of TBN, but I would have never met them without the meetings.

Some get disappointed when they meet five people…that is fine and your opinion….but what about the market? I believe that it the true benefit from TBN, developing your market! Not your sale. Did you know that you can sell and not make the sale, but get sales from their market? I’m not interested in making one sale and not interested in one client, but their market. That, my folks, is the greatest benefit from TBN. I’m not saying that it is the best networking event on the planet, but I am saying that you can find what you are looking for at TBN. Most important, not only do you have to develop YOUR market, but you have to develop the markets of others to succeed. As I may quote Steve Rosh, CPA, “No one has ever become a millionaire by themselves.”

Now you are really wondering what is up with all the links? Guess what folks..? I learned it from someone in TBN and the importance of your market and your presence on the web! I'll give you a little here to find out!
All the best to you and your success!
Greg Fowler
Executive Consultant
AmCorp Management, Inc.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2008 SBOA Business Showcase Thursday October 16th, 2008 4-8 PM

2008 SBOA Business Showcase

Thursday October 16th, 2008 4-8 PM

Boone County Extension Office
6028 Camp Ernst Road, Burlington, KY 41005

Have a small business? Do business with small businesses?
Thinking of Starting a Small Business?

Come and meet some of the over 80 members of the Small Business Owners Association of Northern Kentucky and see what their business’s are all about.

In addition representatives from groups that support small business will be on hand to introduce you to how their organizations help small businesses succeed.

Groups participating include:
SBOA, NKY Chamber, SCORE, NKU SBDC, NKY Homebuilders, Women In Networking, Covington Business Council, BNI, Kenton County Kiwanis, and the Kenton County Public Library

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fairfield Chamber's Business Showcase 2008 Wednesday, October 08, 2008 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Fairfield Chamber's Business Showcase 2008!
Start Date/Time:
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 1:30 PM
End Date/Time:
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 6:00 PM
Mark your calendars NOW for the Fairfield Chamber's Business Showcase 2008! The Showcase will open its doors to the public at 1:30 p.m. Also, from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. we feature the free "Taste of Fairfield". This year's Showcase theme is "Business Tours TV Land".

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
Cincinnati, Ohio
513-793-3552 Office Phone
Residential Home and Commercial Building Inspections

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who is Married to their Work?

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedInGreg Fowler's Facebook profile

"People forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it." Howard Newton

I decided to start with a fantastic quote....why? I have to listened to my gut and realized that TBN is all about building relationships and not trying sell anyone anything. This is a critical time in history. We ALL know of the financial crisis that is happening and what may happen (temporarily, of course) to our country. Most important, during any time of a crisis or (problem) there is ALWAYS an opportunity. As Albert Einstein has quoted "In every difficult time is always an opportunity." Which is true NOW! If what you are doing do is not working...change it! If you are fat and happy, well, you are doing something right! Now....on to my mantra and my beliefs...and I promise I will never, ever, sell you anything!

When people talk about being "married to their work" or job; that statement is more fact than fiction. Most people spend the majority of their waking hours working rather than being with their families. That is one of the factors that have led to the self-employment phenomenon which has more people than ever looking for financial and personal freedom. With the ever increasing number of business consolidations, restructuring, outsourcing of jobs and the reduction of company benefits, this is not a good time to be 'just an employee'. So, the choice to go out on our own is the correct decision for most of us.

Everyone knows that a successful marriage takes work. Just like you can't be married part-time, if your goal is to get the most out of your business, you must be willing to put in the appropriate amount of time, effort and attention. You'll get out of this relationship what you put into it. Paying the proper amount of attention to the details in your 'work marriage' will result in many happy anniversaries.....I had one last week....God Bless! Made in Part by the B2B guru Darren Oliver.

"Successful people keep moving, they make mistakes, but they move on and never give up" Conrad Hilton.

Greg Fowler
Executive Consultant
AmCorp Management, Inc.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

No Risk Strategies for ALL businesses!

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedIn

Does is seem your business is making less than you expect? Would it surprise you to find out that predator industries are bilking billions of dollars a year from businesses just like yours? Ask yourself, could it be me and my business?

Predatory industries and corporations are stripping billions of dollars a year from small businesses in overcharges by erroneous and flawed systematic billing that cost us over $250 BILLION DOLLARS a year in excessive expenses.

Who is overcharging you?

AmCorp Management recently uncovered a billing scheme for a merchant service account by a huge (won’t mention the name, but they are publicly traded) company providing these services. On paper they were supposedly charged 1.25% for Credit Card Processing. When AmCorp’s Examiners dug a little deeper, the actual charge was 3.5%! Amazing, isn’t it? Even the CEO told me, “Ah, I’m getting the greatest deal around” and I told him, “If your getting the greatest deal around, then we will find nothing, plus you will know for sure.” He is no longer a doubter of our services, but a believer. A HUGE believer, because this was very clever when the company was able to make it SEEM like they were getting the best DEAL around! Still amazing, isn’t it?

So who may be bilking thousands of dollars out of your business? Who are the predator industries? There are many areas to look:·

The State of the Lease; Yes you can be overcharged in your lease payments·

Utility Mongers; Need I say more?·

Telecommunication Giants; everyone has a cell phone bill, can you understand it?·

Taxes; Wow, your biggest expense of all! A taxing situation..?·

Workers’ Compensation; One of the highest paid state employees in OH is the head of Workers’ Compensation. Interesting isn’t?·

The Freightening Cost of Shipping; Ignoring shipping agreements costs billions!·

Merchant Services (Credit Card Processing); this is so complex to even explain!·

Property Tax Shuffle; how much more are going to spend on your property?

"Either these service providers are knowingly or unknowingly over billing their customers, one thing is certain, the money is there & waiting to be collected."

There is no risk to your business.
Call: Greg Fowler at 859-653-3638 or (888) 702-0994 for a review at NO COST to you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Small Business Owners Association (SBOA) of Northern Kentucky’s 2008 Showcase on October 16th, 2008

Small Business Showcase

Individuals interested in starting or finding ways to grow their small businesses should check out The Small Business Owners Association (SBOA) of Northern Kentucky’s 2008 Showcase on October 16th, 2008.
The event will be held at the Boone County Cooperative Extension Service Office at 6028 Camp Ernst Road in Burlington, KY from 4 PM to 8 PM.

The SBOA’s mission is to provide a comfortable environment for the advancement of small, micro, and home-based businesses by offering educational opportunities in sound business principles and ethical practices, and by building trusting relationships among its diverse members, their supporters, and the Northern Kentucky community.

This event is designed to showcase SBOA members business’s to the public, as well as provide an opportunity for small businesses to learn about all the resources available to them in their community. In addition to displays promoting SBOA members, representatives from groups designed to support small business will be on hand to provide information about the services they provide. Groups scheduled to be present include; The Northern Kentucky Chamber, NKU Small Business Development Center, SCORE, Home Builder’s Association, BNI, and the Covington Business Council among others.

The event will provide an opportunity for the public to find out more about the wealth of resources that are available for small business in Northern Kentucky and opportunities to network with SBOA members and the attendees. There is no cost to attend the event and food and refreshments will be provided. For more information about the event, check out or call Phone: (859) 586-6101.
Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
793-3552 Office Phone

Monday, September 15, 2008

9 Most Common Things That Will Kill Your Computers - STONE COLD!

There are at 9 surefire ways to put your computer on its knees. Industry secrets that Agency Technologies, Inc. reveals for you!

1. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Housekeeper
Cleaning your PC is part of the maintenance job. Computers aren't big enough for dust bunnies, and unknown to most of the world, lint and fuzz can and often do conduct electricity or hamper performance. Computers collect a lot more fuzz than you might imagine. It can eventually cause overheating (discussed in the next section) which is a nemesis for anything electronic. Overheating WILL cause failure. Read on for instructions on cleaning your computer, it will love you and it may help you to add this in with the “other housekeeping chores.”

2. Heat
We all know that computer hardware’s number one enemy is heat. What can a user do about this? The first thing I recommend is to keep it clean. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Housekeeper, is a great place to get started. One of the biggest problems I usually see when dealing with a heat issue is the placement of the computer. Computer desks that hide your system behind a door look great, but where is all that heat actually going? Most desks I found have a small hole in the back for your wires. In no way is this acceptable for keeping a computer running smoothly. Several months ago I went to a client’s house to help with a continuous rebooting issue. One of the first things I noticed was that they had purchased a new computer desk. Yes it had a door to hide their computer and all the cables. The first thing I did was open the door where the computer sits. I rebooted the machine to bios to check what the processor temp was. I was kind of shocked at the results…72C or 161.6 Fahrenheit. That’s pretty hot for a Pentium 4 system. So I pulled the machine out to check the processor fan, of course it was filthy. The fan was spinning properly but the heat sink was full of dust. I cleaned out the heat sink and other components and then checked the back of the desk. One small hole, the diameter of the monitor plug, is all that they had opened. The desk had pop outs for a larger opening area so we opened the largest area we could. I started the PC back in the bios and it read 45C or 113 Fahrenheit! That’s a pretty big change, but with no programs running on the system it was hard to tell where we actually would be under more “normal operating conditions.” I booted the pc into windows and told it to scan for viruses. After 45mins the scan completed and I rebooted to bios to check the temperature. It read 52C or 125.6 Fahrenheit, still this was not perfect but well within the means of the manufacturer’s guidelines. Another bad spot for your computer is right in front of the heat vents, or in front of any other home heating device. We helped a guy that had his computer right up against the only heat source for the room. The case was hot enough we couldn’t touch it.

3. Filling the hard drive to capacity
Even though this does not sound like a major problem, it severely deteriorates the system’s performance. It will not kill your computer physically, but it will make it extremely slow. I see this most often with a family or business with 1 computer with multiple profiles. You have a couple of kids or coworkers downloading music or documents like .pdf’s to their own profile and it eats the space right up. The reason this impacts the performance of you computer is due to the “swap space” your computer uses to help programs load faster. Even if you leave about one gigabyte free you will still save some on performance. If you ask a user about their hard drive utilization, most don’t really know how much they have left. Keep an eye on it and clean up any unused programs and your internet cache, or lower your cache setting threshold. You will be surprised on how much space these take up. If you find yourself with a full hard drive you have a couple of options. Add a second drive to your machine to store all that information on or buy an external hard drive.

4. No Protection… In more ways than one…
If you live in an area that is prone to summertime thunderstorms this is for you. Do you have a reliable surge protector that your computer is plugged into? I would imagine 50% of you probably don’t. My 2 friends who own insurance businesses have had literally hundreds of claims last year alone. Guess what? All those clients use quality surge protectors now. I know they can be expensive but when it comes down to it, most quality surge protectors have some sort of “Connected Equipment Protection Policy” on devices plugged into them. The one my wife and I have at home insures anything up to $400,000 per item for example times all 6 plugs. So, that makes my policy (from the surge protector manufacturer) actually up to 2.4 million dollars in equipment replacement. Surge protectors are a small price to pay for that extra bit of insurance.

5. Spyware / Viruses
Okay so what virus protection are you running on your pc? When was the last time it updated? These are the first 2 questions I ask on the phone when the symptoms point to Trojan or virus activity. 30% of the people I visit have no clue what virus protection they are running, or if they do, “it’s the one that came with my computer.” Usually a dead giveaway they have limited or no protection at all. I really feel there is no excuse for this, with the wide variety of virus protection available including very good free alternatives you shouldn’t be without some protection. Check out “Free Antivirus for Everyone” if you’re in the market for some free virus protection.
Spyware is a class of software that is typically installed onto a user's computer without their knowledge or consent. (Sometimes the installer will trick the user with a message such as "your clock is wrong, click here to reset it to the proper time," with the "click here" actually being the command to install the software.) Typically, spyware pulls down advertisements to a computer (over the Internet) in the form of pop-up or banner ads, though many spyware applications actually redirect Web searches to pages owned by clients of the spyware vendor. Many spyware apps simply sit quietly in memory, keeping track of what you're doing and report back to some guy behind a curtain somewhere in a bunker under a mountain. It's nefarious. It's evil. And since it's not necessarily well written, spyware can slowly kill its host by slowing down your computer to a crawl and making it useless, or by causing frequent crashes. Sadly, there's no panacea for spyware removal. I use three different programs diligently: Ad-Aware, Spybot Search & Destroy and especially Windows Defender by Microsoft. Several spyware programs will not let you download anti-spyware tools. The only way around this is to download your anti-spyware tools onto a clean computer and move them over on a CD-ROM.

6. Mass Internet Usage
There are plenty of wonderful things on the Internet, but unfortunately there are plenty of bad things, too like I mentioned above -- viruses, spyware, etc., all on the outside, clamoring to get in. While it may be impractical to completely disconnect your machine from the Internet, do what you can to limit your Internet usage on the computer you use for editing. Specifically, try not to read mail or use a Web browser any more than necessary on your editing computer as these applications are the most often carriers of spyware and viruses. Keep your computer updated with all the new security patches by going to START and selecting "windows update".

7. Shutting Off Messenger Services
AOL Instant Messenger? Yahoo!? MSN Messenger? Turn 'em off. That doesn't mean just closing the window; you need to right-click on the icon in the bottom right tray and turn them off. You don't need a chat request from mom popping up on your screen while you're working on things that use a lot of computer memory such as programs or CD/DVD burning.

8. Not Defragmenting Your Hard Disk Drive
As files are written to and deleted from your hard drive, the system that the drive uses for indexing the stuff that's on it becomes complicated and disorganized. Files become "fragmented" with parts of them scattered around the hard disk drive. As files are loaded, the drive's read/write head (like the arm on a record player) has to physically lift up and move to find the next section. The less the read/write head has to move, the quicker your data will load and save. The disk defragmenter is found under start/run/accessories/system tools on windows XP. While you're at it, do a disk cleanup and make sure you have as much free disk space as you can. Windows will grind to a halt when disk space gets too low on your system drive.

9. Old Programs & junk
Periodically clean your hard disk from “temporary” and “junk” or orphan files. I’d use a program like CCleaner ( ) - a good free program to clean out your PC. Uninstall all the old applications that you do not use anymore. I myself experiment with new applications. When I find something that I think is better than the previous application I used that did the same thing, I uninstall it. You should, of course, only uninstall applications from the "Add or Remove Programs" in Control Panel…and DO NOT download or install programs if you do not know what they are. These can often be fatal for your computer and what seems like a simple mistake can cost you BIG MONEY, and lots of LOST TIME. Check with a trusted computer advisor who is certified and carries a license.

Don't Capture Video onto Your System Drive
Most computers out of the box today are fully capable of editing video. However, once they're out of the box, they can start to develop a myriad of maladies which will cause them to never be as fast or as smooth as that first day. Here is something to look out for: capturing and playing back video uses a lot of your computer's attention. So does the business of actually running your computer. For this reason, it's best to do your video work on one drive and your computer work on another. Of course, this only works if you have two physically different disks - one drive partitioned into two doesn't count.

Back up your files (and system)
The maintenance tools you're going to use are going to do some very "heavy lifting". You never know what's going to get dropped. Do yourself a big favor. Back up your critical files, and preferably, back up your entire system first.

Chris Hammond
A+, Network +, MCP, MCSA
513-200-6056 cell

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Manufacturing/Exporting businesses over pay Taxes $110 BILLION in 2007!

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedIn

Updated statistics reveal BILLIONS of dollars in OVERPAID Taxes from U.S. Exporting and Manufacturing businesses. Newly developed framework RECOVERS Hundreds of Thousands for business owners and companies.

The Wall Street Journal: “…this would encourage R&D and Capital Investment,…it works out to a savings of over $110 BILLION on corporate America’s tax.”

Exporting and Manufacturing Businesses across the U.S. are MISSING out on the Government Tax Credits that are embedded in complex regulations, they either are not aware they exist or are only slightly aware of them and only use a fraction of what’s available.

AmCorp Management’s national recognition has utilized TOP industry specialists to create Risk Free SOLUTIONS for Private, Medium, to Large size businesses involved in Manufacturing and/or Exporting. Our team of tax experts headed by former KPMG and Deloitte executives has developed a strategic Tax Recovery framework that can put thousands right back into your operating capital.

Would it surprise you to know that the Government now holds over $110,000,000,000 (BILLION) dollars in overpaid taxes from U.S. Manufacturing and Exporting Businesses alone?

If you own a business with over 15 million in revenue; how much of that money do you think is yours?

We have recovered almost three quarter of a BILLION dollars for qualified clients with our Risk Free feasibility study in such areas as the E.I.E. – IC-DISC – R&D – R&E and other Tax Credit Programs. Have you heard of them?

Call me immediately to find out more; you could lose money that rightfully belongs to your business. Have you already heard of the tax credits and you believe you may be taking advantage of them? All of our qualified clients thought so too. And all receive hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Ninety (yes 90%) of Exporting & Manufacturing businesses only take advantage of a fraction of these credits due to the complexity of the Tax Code. AmCorp Management believes you should pay only your obligation and no more.

We manage a 100% success rate with our qualified clients by our Feasibility Study. Average REFUNDS are $200,000 to more than $11,000,000 dollars. In fact, we are so confident we can create a CASH WINDFALL for your business we invest our money just to earn the opportunity for your business.

With a 100% SUCCESS RATE and over 10,000 tax clients Nationwide, doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of our Risk Free Feasibility Study to ensure you are taking advantage of all possible deductions and credits? Go to for more info.

Real Solutions for Real Businesses

The time is to act now.

Call me Toll Free at (888) 702-0994. The 04 tax review is gone forever. Do not take the chance to miss thousands for a review of 2005!
Greg Fowler
AmCorp Executive Consultant



A home inspection is defined as an objective visual examination of the physical structure and systems of a home, from the roof to the foundation.

In layman’s terms, having a home inspected is akin to giving it a physical check-up. If problems or symptoms are found, the inspector may recommend further evaluation.

As a home buyer/seller or real estate professional, you have a right to know exactly what a typical real estate inspection is. The following information should give you a better understanding of exactly what your inspector should (and should not) do for you during the course of a home inspection.

First and foremost, an inspection is a visual survey of those easily accessible areas that an inspector can clearly see. No destructive testing or dismantling is done during the course of an inspection, hence an inspector can only tell a client exactly what was clearly in evidence at the time and date of the inspection. The inspectors eyes are not any better than the buyers, except that the inspector is trained to look for specific tell-tale signs and clues that may lead to the discovery of actual or potential defects or deficiencies.

Inspectors base their inspections on the current industry standards provided to them by their professional societies. These Standards tell what the inspector will and can do, as well as what the inspector will not do. Many inspectors give a copy of the standards to their clients. If your inspector has not given you a copy, ask for one, or contact us.

The Industry Standards clearly spell out specific areas in which the inspector must identify various defects and deficiencies, as well as identifying the specific systems, components and items that are being inspected. There are many excluded areas noted in the standards that the inspector does not have to report on, for example; private water and sewer systems, solar systems, security systems, etc.

The inspector is not limited by the standards and if the inspector wishes to include additional inspection services (typically for an extra fee) then he/she may perform as many specific inspection procedures as the client may request. Some of these additional services may include wood-boring insect inspection, radon testing, or a variety of environmental testing, etc.

Many inspectors do not test or inspect appliances, for many good reasons. Appliances can break down almost immediately after the inspection and the buyer may hold the inspector liable. There have been cases where homeowners have switched appliances with lesser quality units after the inspection. If your inspector does test and inspect appliances you should keep in mind that any appliance can fail at anytime, particularly if the units are several years old or older.

Most inspectors will not give definitive cost estimates for repairs and replacements since the costs can vary greatly from one contractor to another. Inspectors typically will tell clients to secure three reliable quotes from those contractors performing the type of repairs in question.

Life expectancies are another area that most inspectors try not to get involved in. Every system and component in a building will have a typical life expectancy. Some items and units may well exceed those expected life spans, while others may fail much sooner than anticipated. An inspector may indicate to a client, general life expectancies, but should never give exact time spans for the above noted reasons.

The average time for an inspection on a typical 3-bedroom home usually takes 2 to 4 hours, depending upon the number of bathrooms, kitchens, fireplaces, attics, etc., that have to be inspected. Inspections that take less than two hours typically are considered strictly cursory, "walk-through" inspections and provide the client with less information than a full inspection.

Many inspectors belong to national inspection organizations such as NACHI, ASHI, and NAHI. These national organizations provide guidelines for inspectors to perform their inspections. Professional associations also provide educational materials and programs for its members in order to provide a continuing education for professional inspectors. Make sure that you as a consumer ask your inspector about his/her credentials and affiliations.

All inspectors provide clients with reports. The least desirable type of report would be an oral report, as they do not protect the client, and leave the inspector open for misinterpretation and liability. Written reports are far more desirable, and come in a variety of styles and formats.
The following are some of the more common types of written reports:

1. Checklist with comments
2. Rating System with comments
3. Narrative report with either a checklist or rating system
4. Pure Narrative report

Inspectors differ on what they consider the best type of report. Some prefer one over the other.

Four key areas of most home/building inspections cover the exterior, the basement or crawlspace areas, the attic or crawlspace areas and the living areas. Inspectors typically will spend sufficient time in all of these areas to visually look for a host of red flags, telltale clues and signs or defects and deficiencies. As the inspector completes a system, major component or area, he/she will then discuss the findings with the clients, noting both the positive and negative features.

The inspected areas of a home/building will consist of all of the major visible and accessible electro-mechanical systems as well as the major visible and accessible structural systems and components of a building as they appeared and functioned at the time and date of the inspection.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
5381 Autumnwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Hamilton-Fairfield-Oxford Board of REALTORS Expo! September 10, 2008 Wednesday

Networking - Networking - Networking!

Hope to See You There
Tap me on the Shoulder to say HELLO

The Hamilton-Fairfield-Oxford Board of REALTORS®
invites YOU to attend its REALTOR® Expo!

September 10, 2008 Wednesday

Fairfield Banquet & Conference Center, (Tori’s Station) 74 Donald Dr., Fairfield

The FREE Expo begins @ 4:00 PM; with appetizers and beverages (cash bar)

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
5381 Autumnwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Winner and Losers Part II

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedIn

Well, Well, Well,

I did say that I was going to repost blogs that I had posted from before. If you have read them, move on and read something more interesting. I believe what I have posted here is very interesting, so for those that will NOT read ALL of the Blog, there is some great news about Bill Gates in the blog. So, as I promised it is...part two....some OF the most successful people and what they had to overcome to become successful.....enjoy!!!!

The difference between a winner and a loser is really just a matter of how you look at circumstances in life and then deal with them. All of us find ourselves on the losing end at some time or another; it's how we cope with failure that determines whether or not we are a winner.

Winners make things happen

Losers watch things happen

Winners know that if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well

Losers look for the least amount of effort

Winners are always involved in the answer

Losers are always part of the problem

Winners know there is still much to learn

Losers think they know it all

Winners never give up

Losers quit as soon as things get difficult

The following are examples of some of the most successful people in history and their failures:

SIR EDMUND HILLARY wanted to climb Mount Everest and after three failed attempts finally succeeded. People said, "You've conquered the mountain," and Hillary said, "No, I've conquered myself.

"HENRY FORD'S first two automobile companies failed. That did not stop him from incorporating Ford Motor Company and being the first to apply assembly line manufacturing to the production of affordable automobiles in the world.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN failed as a storekeeper, as a farmer and at his first attempt to obtain political office. He failed in his first attempt to go to Congress, then again when he sought the appointment to the United States Land Office. He was defeated twice when ran for the United States Senate and failed to receive the nomination for the vice-presidency in 1856.

BILL GATES (a Harvard dropout) first company was a failure. Gates used $3,400 of his own money to start a company called Traf-O-Data, a device to process the paper tapes generated by traffic counting boxes. Eventually, the State of Washington offered free traffic processing services, causing the company to lose money.

LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN, a German composer of classical music, is widely regarded as one of history's supreme composers. Before the start of his career, Beethoven's music teacher once said of him, "As a composer, he is hopeless". And during his career, he lost his hearing, yet managed to produce great music.Just like the list of greats who stumbled along the way, the message is to keep trying, never giving up and persevering with your dreams.

They key is to recognize your shortcomings, improve upon them and develop a winning attitude rather than that of a loser.

Thanks Clay, I had to highlight the part about Abraham....

All the best to everyone, their family, and their success.

Thanks for reading my blog.

Call me if you have the gumption!

Executive Strategist
AmCorp Management, Inc.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The difference between Winners and Losers!

Greg Fowler's Facebook profile
After a conversation today I thought I would REPOST a blog from before. For those that have read it, I apologize. I truly love to motivate people. I love to be around people with the same goals and have the same determination for success. So here it is folks....some of the most successful people in the WORLD and their failures.
The difference between Winners and Losers!

The difference between a winner and a loser is really just a matter of how you look at circumstances in life and then deal with them. All of us find ourselves on the losing end at some time or another; it's how we cope with failure that determines whether or not we are a winner.

Winners make commitments
Losers make promises

Winner go around or through a problem
Losers never get past it

Winners inspire others
Losers bring down the team

Winners always have a plan
Losers always have an excuse

Winners are proud of their accomplishments
Losers have nothing to brag about

The following are examples of some of the most successful people in history and their failures:

BABE RUTH struck out 1,330 times on his way to 714 home runs and baseball immortality.

In 1954, ELVIS PRESLEY was fired from the Grand Ole Opry after only one performance and was told by the manager. "You ain't going nowhere, son. Better get your job back driving a truck."

When ALBERT EINSTEIN was a boy, his parents thought he was mentally retarded. His grades in school were so poor that a teacher asked him to quit saying, "Einstein, you will never amount to anything!"

Before achieving sports notoriety, MICHAEL JORDAN was just an ordinary person; so ordinary that he was cut from his high school basketball team because of his "lack of skill".

When THOMAS EDISON was a boy, his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything. When he set out on his own, he tried more than 9,000 experiments before he created the first practical incandescent light bulb

What is even more interesting about Tom Edison is he was asked why did you fail at the light bulb 9 thousand times? He said "I didn't fail 9,000 times, but found 9 thousand ways it didn't work!"

All of us will find ways to cope with the negative attitudes towards success. Ask yourself, "If it was easy everyone would be doing it" Wouldn't they?

I wish you all the best of luck to you, your family, and your success!!!!

To Err is Human--To Be Uneducated Is A Crime

Greg is right—we all make occasional errors when we’re doing something in writing. The crime comes in when we didn’t learn the right way from the beginning. Many people forget their English skills from middle school and elementary; after all, for most of us, it was a long time ago. But now there is an option. You can learn the right way of writing simply by taking a seminar from Executive Communication Strategies ( Clayton got tired of the badgering he was getting for his mistakes on the blog, so he will be taking our seminar this week. I can’t guarantee that he will be writing error free blogs, but I will guarantee that he will be educated with the knowledge of good writing skills.

But how many of you make mistakes in your everyday business documents? Research shows that people who are on the receiving end of those mistakes think less of the person making mistakes (believe it nor not, there was an actual study done on this). Can you afford to lose business because of your errors in business documents? We never will know how much money is lost because of careless writing errors. Everyone is quick to point out errors when it comes to dollars and cents, but few will point out errors when it comes to grammar and spelling. Bite the bullet and learn how much you don’t know simply by taking the writing seminar we offer. We can schedule it at your convenience. We all make the occasional error—Executive Communication Strategies doesn’t promise error free. What we do promise is to educate you in the right way to write. Time and careful consideration of your writing will make you error free.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pre-inspection urged before sale

August 31, 2008
Pre-inspection urged before sale
By Ellen S. WilkoweGannett News Service

Two cracked rafters, the central air conditioning that "worked fine last summer" and the hot water heater approaching its golden years.

Home sellers beware. Come closing, these are just some items that can make or break a deal, especially if found during the buyer's inspection, a little too little, a little too late.

As home sales have declined, this may be a good time for sellers to invest in a pre-inspection.

So what exactly constitutes a pre-inspection?

Consider it the prequel to the buyer inspection, a preparatory move on the seller's side to find out the true value of the home before listing it. This also may buy the seller time to fix any problems that surface.

One homeowner's comfort may register as a potential buyer's complaint.

"When you're living in a home you get used to things," says Sergio Angione of Towaco, N.J., a home inspector with the HouseMaster home inspection franchise. "For example, a buyer might say, 'Why should we have to press the garage door opener twice to open it?' "

Inspections often reveal something seemingly as trivial as a garage door opener quirk to more pressing issues often undetected by homeowners - such as cracked rafters in the attic or termite damage.

Depending on the size of the structure, a standard inspection can take from 1½ to 3 hours and cost $300 to $500, Angione says.

The inspector conducts a visual evaluation and provides written documentation on the following:

Heating system.

Central air conditioning system (temperature permitting).

Interior plumbing and electrical systems.

Roof, attic and visible insulation.

Walls, ceilings, floors windows and door.

Foundation, basement and visible structure.

Built-in major appliances.

The inspector may recommend and arrange for additional services such as septic and well evaluations, pool or lawn sprinkler inspections, and radon testing.

With the buyer in the driver's seat, the concept of pre-inspections is earning endorsements from real estate agents.

In parts of New Jersey saturated with septic tanks and private wells, seller-initiated inspections garnered the support of Linda McCullough, a broker with Re/Max Classic Group in West Milford.

Pre-inspections also instill confidence in the seller, McCullough says. "It's really a marketing tool."

HouseMaster can affix a pre-inspected logo to the online listing and post a sign on the lawn and tent cards throughout the home alerting buyers and agents that a pre-inspection report is available.

When it comes down to the wire, the seller can use the pre-inspection report as a bargaining tool much as the buyer does when hiring a home inspector.

"It's better to work out the deficiencies and address the issues than turn off a buyer," says Bret Kaufmann, treasurer of the Garden State Chapter of the American Society of Home Inspectors. "Some of these issues homeowners are unaware of and would likely address anyway."

Heating and air conditioning exhaust, mold-causing plumbing problems, and roof leaks are common problems that often surface as a result of an inspection, says Kaufmann.

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
5381 Autumnwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone

Friday, August 29, 2008

Never, Ever, Ever...Give UP!

View Greg Fowler's profile on LinkedIn

Hi to all TBN members! First, I would like to say that I have been accused of getting my ideas from others, i.e. like Winston Churchill, and I have to admit that I do. One of my favorites is Winston Churchill. I truly love to read about the man and how he was able to overcome the Germans during WWII. It truly inspires me and my business. I have a quote on my wall that I read every single day of my life "Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasism." Hmm...Clay Maybe I need to learn from the experts, but just to let you know I did it on purpose...the misspelling that it is..Here is why: Entrepenuers are not worried about the details, but getting business period! This is my great and positive plug for Clay...the greatest people in the world were never ever great at what they did, but were able to capitalize on the OPPORTUNITY! We all rag on each other about misspellings and the such, but to put together a wonderful organization, such as TBN, couldn't have happen without Clayton Hicks! My Kudos goes to him and all the members!

Now to what I would like to say....which I should have said today at the meeting...but I didn't want to take Clayton's....Spotlight? Back to Winston...I always like to quote one of my favorites, ole' Winston Churchill....I have learned a lot from reading about the man. (I have read many books.) As you may know, he was a great man, one that had childhood problems, made fun of, a lot of difficulties in life with people. However, I love to remind people that he gave a wonderful speech to a group of college graduates after WWII. While sitting at the speech that he was invited to, he sat very quite and listened intensively to the group of people, and didn't say a word, but just sat in his chair to listen. If you know anything about the man he listened intensively to those around him (probably one of the reasons he was a winner in the end), but to get to the point he had his turn to give his speech...and when it was his turn to come he didn't go to the podium, but sat up and said 'Never, ever, ever, ever, GIVE UP!' and sat back down and listened....and being Winston he watched the reaction to the people around him. My point being while working in business, ALL of us, (We) are the Winston Churchill's, we are the odd characters of the world, we are the stand out's that yell....what makes me different than my competitor?...but not all want to listen or take HEED!

Clay, My Kudos goes to you and the TBN Board and Members....

Whoever stands will succeed!

Call me if you have the gumption! I will make your business grow!

Greg Fowler

Executive Strategist

AmCorp Management, Inc.


Never ever, ever give up!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keepin' it REAL Estate Title Issues / closing becomes a challenge

Keepin' it REAL Estate Title Issues - closing becomes a challenge

I know I’ve written on this topic a couple of times, but lately everything seems to have a title issue. I cannot stress enough the importance of getting an owners title policy when you close. I’ve seen way too many bad title issues. My most recent adventure is in the form of mistakes on an original deed, which reeks havoc on an up coming closing.

Here is a short synopsis:
2 plots of land divided and deeded out to one owner. Owner goes to sell these two parcels. One parcel sells and the title company notices that the addresses are flip flopped on the deed (wrong address for each parcel). We get it fixed, no problems and we close. Next parcel sells and tries to close. New title company notices that the first parcel to sell actually got recorded as the 2nd property! Yikes. Upon further investigation, it doesn’t look so simple. Looks like the new deed to get recorded is correct (description, etc). Just so happens that an engineer who verified the deed was going off the old original deed and not on the most recent corrected changes!

Phone calls have been made and issue will hopefully get resolved. Mean while I’ve got a buyer who’s rate expires and has a moving truck and no home to call his own….

You can bet I’ve done all but forced him to purchase an owners policy. Its still not corrected, but it should be. We shall see.

Imagine if these things never were noticed. When ever these new owners of these houses would go to sell, the problem could be uncovered and then they’d be paying lawyers expenses to try and rectify it for themselves. Lots of billed hours at high prices. Don’t you wish you had an owners policy?

Larry Shideler
Customer Loyalty Manager
513-405-4773 Cell
Inspection Plus, LTD.
5381 Autumnwood Drive
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
513-793-3552 Office Phone